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The Lilongwe City Council was established under the Local Government Act No. 42 of 1998 as a body corporate. The Council comprises the Political and Administrative arms which both derive their authority from the Local Government Act of 1998. The Political  arm is led by the Mayor who is an elected councillor. The mayor is in charge of 27 Wards each overseen by an elected Councillor.  In addition, there are four (4) elected Members of Parliament who represent the Lilongwe urban sector. There are also five (5)  ex-official members representing interest groups. The Administrative arm of Lilongwe City Council is led by the Chief Executive Officer who oversees nine (9) technical departments and devolved sectors, including Commerce & Trade, Engineering, Education, Youth & Sports Sector, Parks & Recreation, Health and Social Welfare Services, Planning & Development and Finance.

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Fire Safety Management Training

Fire Safety Management Training

Lilongwe City Council (LCC) engaged its members of staff in the first ever 3 day Fire Safety Management training which commenced on Tuesday 19 March, 2024 at the Civic offices.

Speaking during the training, Director of Engineering Services, Julius Tsogolani said efficient application of fire safety procedures is subject to staff knowing what to do in the event of an emergency. All staff are required to ensure they are fully aware of how they are to respond to an outbreak of fire; this applies to all staff without exception.

Seventy (70) staff members were trained about fire risk and safety assessment, development of fire safety policy and fire drills.

LCC hopes that this training will enable its staff to respond promptly to fire accidents and in a safer and more efficient manner to help save lives and properties even at their respective communities.

This is a great program that LCC urges more companies or individuals to get on board with.

Lilongwe City Council

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