
About Us

The Lilongwe City Council was established under the Local Government Act No. 42 of 1998 as a body corporate. The Council comprises the Political and Administrative arms which both derive their authority from the Local Government Act of 1998. The Political  arm is led by the Mayor who is an elected councillor. The mayor is in charge of 27 Wards each overseen by an elected Councillor.  In addition, there are four (4) elected Members of Parliament who represent the Lilongwe urban sector. There are also five (5)  ex-official members representing interest groups. The Administrative arm of Lilongwe City Council is led by the Chief Executive Officer who oversees nine (9) technical departments and devolved sectors, including Commerce & Trade, Engineering, Education, Youth & Sports Sector, Parks & Recreation, Health and Social Welfare Services, Planning & Development and Finance.

Contact Info

Kuletsa kabaza wa Njinga za moto ndi<br> zakapalasa mmadera ndi misewu ikuluikulu<br> mu mzinda wa Lilongwe

Kuletsa kabaza wa Njinga za moto ndi
zakapalasa mmadera ndi misewu ikuluikulu
mu mzinda wa Lilongwe

Khonsolo ya Mzinda wa Lilongwe ikudziwitsa  a kabaza wakapalasa ndi wa njinga zamoto  onse kuti ndikoletsedwa kuchita malonda awo mumzindawu  mmalo aku Old Town, City Centre ndiponso misewu yonse ikuikulu mumzindawu.

 Aliyense yemwe adzapezeke akuyendetsa kabaza wakapalasa kapena wa njinga za moto  mmalo ndi misewu yoletsedwayi adzalipilitsidwa chindapusa, ngakhale kumangidwa kumene.

Tiyeni tonse tilemekeze malamulo omwe khonsolo imagwiritsa ntchito pofuna kusamala ndi kuteteza mzika zake kuti tichepetse mpungwepungwe ndi Ngozi zapamsewu.

Mukafuna kudziwa zambiri tipezeni motere: tilembereni ku info@lcc.mw   kapena kuyimba ku nambala ya ulele ya 346.  

Eliam Banda

M’malo mwa Mkulu Woyang’anira Khonsolo ya Mzinda wa Lilongwe

Lilongwe City Council

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